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Оффлайн RX1AS Сергей

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« : 24 Октябрь 2008, 22:45:05 »
24/10/2008 02:49 сигнал во время моего QSO от P29NI был -25
Перерыв в работе похоже связан с переездом в другой квадрат информация слабая Интернета там нет.Всем удачи.

A Team of AD6E Al, G3kHz Derek, CT1AGF Luis, K6MYC Mike and W5GAI Skip
will activate the very rare DXCC P2, Papua New Guinea

P29VLR qrv in QI45UM Oct. 21-26 and P29NI qrv in QI28MM Oct. 29 until Nov 3rd.
It will be a joined expedition with HF and EME on 50 and 144 MHz.
Mike K6MYC will be activating 50MHz EME and 144MHz EME.
On 50MHz he will use 2x 6M7JHV and 2x 2MXP20 both with full elevation.
He will use 8877 Pa on both band output 1kw.
Depending on QRM situation he will use 50.250 MHz P29 TX first JT65 mode.
On 144MHz he will use 144.125 MHz P29 TX first in JT65 mode.

SOURCE: tnx Mike, K6MYC, and P29-Webpage

NEWS from Lance, W7GJ, dated 2008-10-07:

In case anyone has not heard, I am sending out information again, this time with additional information I have received from K6MYC and W5GAI. Mike advised that all his flights are confirmed for an October 15 departure and his visa is in hand! This is an unprecedented opportunity to contact a rare but very well equipped DXCC on VHF!

Expected dates of operation are as follows (dates not shown are travel dates):

P29VLR (in QI45UM) Oct. 21-26 (GREAT cndx for 6m EME and toward the end of the
period and a common moon with horizon-only stations in NW EU on their moonrise)

P29NI (in QI28mm) Oct 29 - Nov 3 (Common moon with horizon-only northeast USA
stations on their moonset)

Expected frequencies are 50.205 (JT65A mode) and 144.125 (JT65B mode), and P29 will always XMIT in the first sequence. There will be no internet, but there may be some limited email and/or HF liaison via 14.345. It is expected that anyone receiving updates will post them on the N0UK JT65 and ON4KST 6m chat pages for the rest of us:


Please, let's do our best to coordinate among ourselves on the internet and spread out our calls! Mike is encountering over $2100 extra equipment shipping charges - in addition to his personal plane and boat traveo costs. Each contact will be at a huge dollar investment - please do what you can to make the dXpedition successful and also contribute what you can to the costs...

SOURCE: Lance, W7GJ, [Magic Band EME]

NEWS from N0UK-Chat, dated 2008-10-17:
10/17 20:59 P29NI may be on as early as Oct 19. They will be using ONLY the callsign P29NI, from both islands during the trip. (W7GJ/4X9/1500 Lance)

NEWS from Joop, PA0JMV, dated 2008-10-23 07:30UT :

Mike finally showed up on 144.125 on Oct 22 after his moonrise. He worked KB8RQ, W7GJ, W7IUV , maybe more. I started listening at the beginning of the groundgain lobe at my moonrise, today Oct 23. First sigs (-25dB) showed up at 00:28 while he was sending OOO for RA6AX. His signals were fast drifting, so he must have switched on at athat time, later the sigs were stable. I saw him calling/working IK1UWL, DL8YHR but NC, DK3BU, I2RV, DF2ZC, PA0JMV, ES6RQ and then I went to bed again after some 45 minutes of excitement. My groundgain had ended as well. His best sigs were about -24dB but KB8RQ mentioned problems with the big PA in P29, so he must have used his spare 350w brick. Mind the high values of DPOL for the EU-window, that makes it complicated! 73 Joop

LATEST NEWS from Peter, OZ1LPR, dated 2008-10-23 10:10UT :

In addition I saw SM5CUI, DL8YHR, PE1L, OZ1LPR, VK2KU complete. There was others as well but I went to bed also. Mike produced good signals mostly vertical from -20 to -28.
Gl to the crowd and remember the window is getting smaller and smaller.
73 Peter OZ1LPR

LATEST NEWS from Peter, OZ1LPR, dated 2008-10-24 10:08

QSP de W5UN:
P29NI will not be QRV on EME the next 3 days
73 Peter OZ1LPR
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