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Working K5QE in the ARRL Jan VHF contest via EME
« : 19 Январь 2024, 09:33:20 »
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Hello to everyone in the EME community.  This year, the ARRL January VHF Contest will be held the weekend of January 20th and 21st and 0000Z to 0400Z on Monday the 22nd.  We want to work as many EME stations as possible to increase our grid count.  Please help us with this event by working us on 2M(as well as 1296 and 432 if you can).  Thank you very much.  As a special deal, this year, we have the 6M EME station up and running.  6M EME will be by request / schedule.

We have two moon passes this contest. This year, the first moonrise for us is 1930Z on Saturday and moonset is 0930Z on Sunday morning(=3:30AM local).  On Sunday, the 21st, our moon rises at 20:30Z.  We will be calling CQ and looking hard for EME contacts until 0300Z on Monday(our moonset).  We will have all three EME stations running and we would really love to work you on all three if possible. Again, 6M EME by request...check with us on the Ping Jockey reflector.

The 6M EME station is 4 x 7 all H-pol with 1500W out.  The 6M tropo station will be running FT8 or MSK144 and using the PingJockey page, so check there for an EME schedule.  I know that ON4KST is normal, but our ops will be running FT8 or MSK144, so they will be watching PingJockey not ON4KST.

The 2M EME station is 8 x 18 all H-pol with 1500W out.  As usual, we will be operating 144.142MHz Second Sequence using JT65b. The 2M station will be watching the N0UK EME-1 reflector page.

The 432 EME station is 16 x 28H OR 4 x 28V with 650W out.  Please look for us on 432.080MHz,  Q65-60B CFOM Second Sequence. If you can, please try to work us on 432.  The 432 station will be watching the 432 page on the HB9Q reflector.

The 1296 EME station is a 4.5M dish and 450W.  We will use Q65-60C on 1296.085MHz, CFOM second sequence.  We will be using the HB9Q 1296 reflector, so look for us there.
For Oceania stations, our moonset is 0330Z on Sunday and 0300Z on Monday.  For the last few hours of our moon time, we will be looking specifically for US, JA, VK, and ZL stations, so if you are in Oceania, look for us an hour or two BEFORE our moonset.  If you wait too late, we will be in the trees, so we may not be able to work anyone due to that problem.  2M does not seem to care about trees too much.

The reflectors are a wonderful resource, so feel free to use them liberally.  The ARRL rules allow us to make schedules on the reflector pages, so don't be shy about chatting with us there.  NOTE:  NO contact information can be exchanged on the reflector.

Good luck to all in the contest and we hope to see you there.  Thank you.

73 Marshall, K5QE - EM31cj
East Texas, USA
Phone at the contest station is 409-787-3831 if you wish to call for a sched.
QTH:Шахты, op. Сергей, IC-910D. Ant 144-DG7YBN 11EL (6m);430-4wL M2 436-CP30 X-POL