Автор Тема: Russian VHF CW Marathon 2012  (Прочитано 3712 раз)

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Peter RW3PF

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Russian VHF CW Marathon 2012
« : 25 Август 2012, 18:41:06 »

1. The Marathon is sponsored by Yefremovskij Radioclub EFIR, Tulskaya Oblast, Russia.

2. Marathon Rules are below.

3. Objectives:
To popularize VHF contests, and to improve VHF activity of Russian hams.

4. Contest period:
The Marathon takes place on the 1st complete weekend of November.
2012: 3 November 14.00 UTC to 4 November 14.00 UTC.

5. Participants
Hams from Europe and Asia are invited to take part.

6. Contest Rules
6.1. Band: 144 MHz.
6.2. Mode: СW
6.3. QSOs with EU and AS stations are accepted for credit, using all kinds of VHF propagation (QSO via active and passive repeaters, satellites, the Moon, meteors are not valid). 
Foreign participants require at least 1 QSO with Russian station for credit.
6.4. One QSO is allowed with a station. No dupes.
6.5. 3 minutes of time difference in the logs is allowed.
6.6. QSO completion time is considered to be QSO time in the log.
6.7. Please indicate time in UTC.
6.8. Clarification of exchange and QSO time before or after the Contest is prohibited.
6.9  It is prohibited to use Internet chats or clusters in order to agree data with potential QSO partner (frequency, antenna azimuth, number exchange, confirmation of the received data, locator. If QTH Locator indication is obligatory to enter the chat, such shall not considered as the Contest Rules violation). It is prohibited to announce cell phone number before and during the Marathon. It is prohibited to arrange VHF schedules using HF bands.
6.10 Only one TX is allowed to be used in any moment. Distant control of the transceiver is not allowed.
6.11 DQ may be applied for the Marathon rules violation. In case of errors in call sign, date, time, exchange (QTH loc is included into exchange), a QSO shall be removed from both logs. If Items 6.3, 6.8, 6.9 and 6.10 were violated, a log shall be removed into CHECK LOG category.

7. Entrants
А – EU Russia;
B -  AS Russia;
С – foreign stations;
A group will be taken for credit if number of entrants who sent their logs is more than 7.

8. Exchange
8.1. Exchange consists of serial number of QSO starting with 001, and WW QTH locator. Example: RK3PWJ - 001 KO93BD. Locator is included into exchange. RST, RSA (for Aurora) is not a part of the exchange, but is obligatory to be transmitted during each QSO..

9. Scoring
9.1. QSO points are given for distance between the two stations. 1 km is equal 1 point. QSO within your own QTH square scores 1 point.
9.2. Final score is a sum of QSO points.
9.3. Results will be scored based on logs received.

10. Awards
10.1. The three top entrants in each group will be awarded with medals.
10.2. Participants scored 1-10 places will be awarded with badges having the Marathon logo.
10.3. Contest sponsors may sponsor their own prizes by agreement with the Contest Manager.

11. Logs
11.1. Every SO or MS entrant is asked to provide his contest log and to send it to the Contest Committee address.
11.2. The following data shall be entered for each QSO:
- your call sign and QTH locator;
- QSO date;
- QSO time;
- band;
- the other station call sign;
- the other station QTH locator;
- RST;
- received and sent exchange;
- you do not need to count points and calculate the distance.
11.3. Both paper and electronic logs are accepted. Electronic logs shall be sent to e-mail address (log files are attached to the message, but not included into the message text).
It is advisable that you send your electronic logs in EDI format (for example, log generated by UA4NAL software which provides the Contest logging and log generation.
11.4. Your entry as per Rules Item 7 shall be indicated in your log. (The entry may be indicated in the log, in the message text, or in the message subject line, for example: "RK3PWJ group A")
11.5. Logs shall be sent within at least 15 days after the Marathon completion (mailed logs date is determined by the post stamp). Logs arrived after the deadline are not accepted and shall not be reviewed.
11.6. Logs arrived from other contest committees shall be considered as "CHECK LOGS".
11.7. The Contest Committee will appreciate all who send their "CHECK LOGS".
11.8. The Contest Committee is committed to perform scoring and provide preliminary results of the Marathon for review and dispute no later than within 45 days after the Marathon completion. Complaints deadline shall not exceed 15 days after preliminary results announcement.

12. Addresses
Logs shall be sent to the Executive Manager.
E-mail:  rw3pf@rambler.ru
Post address for paper logs and diskettes:
Mr. Peter Antonov, ul. Bazhenova 7-63, T ula, 300004, Russia.

13. Results
Contest results shall be available at the Tulskaya Oblast Ham Internet page  and at the Russian VHF Portal www.vhfdx.ru.
Contest sponsors are committed to send prizes to the winners until March 1.

"Translation by UA2FM".