Можно подробнее о сетапе?Сетап пока тот же, http://ua4hts.ru/?page_id=1329 надо мощи добавлять ватт до 100, а лучше 350, как oz1lpr, сколько было у DL0EF не знаю, но приемник без ару затыкался.
Похоже на технику Александра RW1AW
Закончился тест на 3см на лунеСупер!! Поздравляю!!
Провел 27 связей
> On 14.03.2016 13:25, g4bao wrote:
> This was my first experience of a 23cm Dubus CW event and I had great
> fun! I'm not sure why there is so much concern about the demise of CW,
> it seems alive and well on 23cms! If only we could encourage more
> activity outside the contests. Only surprise was the lack of
> Americans, I didn't hear one the whole weekend!
> Running just 120 Watts (my power seems a little down) to a 1.9m RF-Ham
> design dish with the excellent SM6FHZ patch feed and a 0.2dB G4DDK
> VLNA23 I worked 19 stations on CW and 2 on JT.
> 23cm Initials were HB9CW,
> ZS6JON on JT.
> Notable "got aways" were PA3DZL, DL1YMK, DJ8FR, and DL6SH Jac was
> quite weak, but the latter 3 of that list were stronger than many I
> worked but just didn't hear me, despite endless calling. Most unusual!
> I found that "search and pounce" worked much better for me, calling CQ
> brought some QSOs and a couple of stations that were just too weak for
> me to work, which made me question the reciprocity of the 3 in the
> list above, or maybe it was just QRM?
> The slow QSB was very different to what I've experienced on 13cm with
> the fade rate being "just right" to take out Morse characters!
> In all, great fun, and it made me think that the "demise of CW" that
> some bang on about is just down to the problem even the terrestrial
> microwave bands suffer from, namely lack of people bothering to come
> on and transmit, instead, checking the internet, seeing no activity
> and not switching the rigs on!
> 73
> John G4BAO
В прошедшем в эти выходные DUBUS CW EME Contest на 1296 МГц отмечена высокая активность станций.Из России я слышал c хорошим уровнем RA3EC, UA9YLU, UA4HTS и конечно UA3PTW Думаю, что Дмитрий будет в лидерах. Я поработал в свое удовольствие только СW c 10 утра до 5 вечера, поэтому скромно 36 QSO.
В прошедшем в эти выходные DUBUS CW EME Contest на 1296 МГц отмечена высокая активность станций.[/quote