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Es’hail-2 Narrowband Transponder –Provisional Operating Guidelines
The narrowband transponder is intended for conventional analogue and narrowband digital signals.
No transmissions should be made beyond the nominal edges of the transponder passbands. In particular, no operation should take place below the lower beacon which will be on 10489.55 MHz nor above the upper beaconon 10489.80 MHz.These will both transmit data at 400bps BSPK in a similar format to that used on the AO/10/13/40 P3 missions.
No uplinks should result in downlink signals that are stronger than these beacons. In the event that such signals are detected, they will be marked by a “LEILA” siren.When they have been marked by “LEILA”, operators should immediately reduce their uplink power (ERP). More information about this LEILA-2 system can be found here https://www.amsat.org/pipermail/amsat-bb/2016-June/059217.html
No FM transmissions should be made to Es’hail-2 as these would use excessive power and bandwidth.
Отсюда -
https://ukamsat.files.wordpress.com/2018/11/amsat-uk_eshail-2_transponder_info.pdfВ другой редакции было выделено, что надо обязательно иметь возможность слышать свой сигнал со спутника, чтобы реагировать на LEILA.
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