Situation Russian Summer MS Contest
Yuri Fomichev Author, RN4AT
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Competition on the Radio on VHF by reflections from meteors.
Competitions are held by a group of radio amateurs of the Volgograd region
- Popularization Radiosport;
- Increase of VHF activity in the Russian Federation and other countries;
- Improvement of operator skill radiosportsmenov;
- Check equipment before peak flow Perseids;
Competitions are held in early August to the Perseids meteor shower.
Start: August 7, 2010 at 00:00 UTC
Conclusion: 8 August, 24:00 UTC
To participate in the competitions are invited radio amateurs around the world.
Competition Schedule
Competitions are held at the range of 144 MHz.
Modes: HSCW, SSB, FSK441.
Credit is given for radio, performed with amateurs of all countries and territories around the world using reflections from meteor trails.
With one reporter is allowed to conduct any of the QSO allowed types of radiation once for all the competitions.
The timing of communication is the time of its completion.
Time reports indicate UTC.
To unload the frequency of general call is strongly recommended to work with Split according to the procedure of MS QSO in the IARU Region 1. The same is permissible to use the BCC split system with digits of your operating frequency (ie, "CQ 387" means that you're listening on the frequency 144.387 MHz, the continuation of the communication should take place as well at this frequency).
For Sked allowed to use the cluster and public chats. But is strictly forbidden at the time of the QSO to report information to the correspondent via internet, phone, KV.
For the general call FSK441 recommended frequency of 144,370 and 144,360 MHz
For the general call to the SSB recommended frequency 144,200 MHz
For the general call HSCW recommended frequency 144,100 MHz.
Rating Groups
A - Stations operating from the territory of the European part of Russia;
B - Radio stations operating from the Asian part of Russia;
C - Foreign participants.
The Panel considered a test, if it is attended by at least 10 participants, who have sent reports. Otherwise, the group did not quite get 10 participants, to address the jury may be combined with another group.
Control Number
Control rates as such.
QSO is considered complete if taken Callsign, report and "Final Rodgers" (RRR)
Time is fixed on the time of completion QSO.
Scoring for radio stations operating from the territory of the Russian Federation:
For each QSO is charged 1 point;
In QSO with each new region of Russia (region, territory, rep., AO) (VG, MA, TL, PE, BA ...) charged an additional 5 points.
Scoring for foreign participants:
For every QSO is charged 1 point;
For a QSO with a party within the territory of Russia is charged 10 points;
In QSO with each new region of Russia (region, territory, rep., AO) (VG, MA, TL, PE, BA ...) charged an additional 5 points.
- Every new big square (eg, LN29, LO20, KN78, MO25, JO60, JN75) is counted as a factor once for all the competitions.
Winners in their credit groups awarded special plaques Russian Summer MS Contest.
Stations ranked second third place in their credit groups will be awarded diplomas.
Radio has more than 50 QSO will be awarded special certificates.
Each told the participants or the team, regardless of the number of bonds held shall prepare a report for the event and sends it to the jury.
For each radio must include the following information:
- Date of communication
- The time of the communication
- Call reporter
- Received and sent report,
- Type of radiation.
The report in electronic form sent by e-mail (report files should be attached to the letter, but not included in the message body).
The report should contain the following information:
-Call party
- Declared a subgroup under this provision,
-QTH locator
-Name of the operator (s)
-Mailing address
Data on the equipment.
The report is sent to the jury not later than 30 days after the end of the competition on postmark.
The format of the report is free.
The address for sending reports in electronic form:
The address for sending reports in paper form:
404145 Volgograd Region, Sredneahtubinsky district, village Rahinka, ul.40 Pobedy, 13. Russia. Fomichev Yuri G..