Вот такое сообщение попалось в ARRL news letter:
The world of Amateur Radio DXing has passed a new milestone: On Friday,
June 6, Jan Bruinier, DL9KR, of Niedernhausen, Germany, worked his 100th
country on 432 MHz (70 cm) via moonbounce (EME) and CW.
Samek Zdenek, OK1DFC, and Hofbauer Zdenek, OK3RM, were getting ready to
go on an EME DXpedition to Macedonia. Before they left, Samek asked
Bruinier to help test out the equipment; Bruinier gave him a beacon,
aiming a signal off the moon. According to VHF guru and conductor of
QST's "World Above 50 MHz" column Gene Zimmerman, W3ZZ, this is done by
transmitting a series of CW dashes and then stopping to listen for the
signal to return a little more than a second later. The moon averages
384,000 km from the Earth; radio waves travel at ~300,000 km/sec.
After one of these transmissions, Bruinier was excited to hear Samek
appear on frequency with a 549 signal. Thus, after an exchange of calls
and reports, Bruinier's 100th country on 432 MHz was in the log. Once
his QSL cards are confirmed in the near future, he will become DXCC #1
on 70 cm.