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Оффлайн R2GKH Виталий

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #30 : 21 Июнь 2010, 20:28:33 »
Cкачал, установил...

Что-то не понял, а она по видам модуляции с более ранними версиями совместима?

Мы стояли на плоскости,
                  С переменным углом отражения...

Оффлайн RK1AA

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #31 : 21 Июнь 2010, 20:42:13 »
Нет. О том и речь здесь.
73! Евгений RK1AA

Оффлайн Sergi

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #32 : 21 Июнь 2010, 20:58:10 »
Ведь многие экспедиционеры ипользуют не шустрые машины , а многие вообще сидят на 4.9.8 версии (как я , считаю ее наилучшей в своих условиях помех - можно тонко настроить декодер).
Я конечно за прогресс , и K1JT можно только поблагодарить , но считаю , что необходимо остаить поддержкустарых типов модуляции в новом ПО.

Поддерживаю, нужно попросить тех, кто бывает в Wsjt-рефлекторе чтобы предложили K1JT вернуть хотя бы FSK441 совместимый с 4.9.8.

--... ...-- -.. . ..- --.. ..--- .... --..

Онлайн UD2F

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #33 : 22 Июнь 2010, 01:02:49 »
Hi All,

Many new reports on the WSJT8 modes over the past 24 hours.  Thanks to all for the helpful comments, suggestions, and wave files!


Most reports on ISCAT say it works well.  Decoder is too slow, perhaps.  That can (and will) be improved -- probably by a lot.  More examples of wave files are needed, examples of both good and poor performance.

Reports on JTMS are more variable.  Some say it works great, seems to decode well, produces few junk messages.  Others say that they prefer FSK441's ability to decode partial messages, especially very short ones, and that they could complete a QSO more quickly with the older mode. This is exactly the sort of information that's needed.

EU users: please take note that the message templates can be edited to whatever you like; and yes, of course it will be possible to turn off the shorthand message feature.

JT64 and JT8:

Today I established that in WSJT8r1944 the JT8 decoder, like the JT64 decoder, does not search over enough range in DT to synchronize EME signals.  My fault; all of the tests before last weekend had been on terrestrial paths.

This was easily fixed.  All JT64 and JT8 EME-path files sent to me now decode as they should.

I might package another release tomorrow, so that people can make a few more EME tests.  If you do this, please:

1. Send me a few more example wave files.

2. Do not be surprised if JT64 or JT8 still fails to decode, when you're pretty sure that JT65B would have been OK.  As I've mentioned before, the decoders for these experimental modes are certainly not in final form.  They may be slow, they don't compensate for frequency drift, ... etc.  It's necessary to walk before we can run.

Again: the main purposes of these very early tests of the experimental modes in WSJT8 are two-fold:

1. To generate some real-world wave files, to be used for optimizing the decoders.

2. To gather evidence on whether each new experimental mode has the potential to be better than the one it might replace.  I have no particular stake in a YES or NO answer in each case.  If the answer turns out to be no, well and good: future effort can be shifted over to further performance enhancements for the existing modes.

If we knew the answers to experiments in advance, there would be no point in doing the experiments!

Please keep the reports and wave files coming...

       -- 73, Joe, K1JT
73! Валентин   ex: RU2FM

Оффлайн RA4FER Андрей

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #34 : 22 Июнь 2010, 07:28:27 »
Гугле перевел:
Все начиналось здесь: http://www.vhfdx.ru/polozheniya/dni-aktivnosti-jt65

Онлайн UD2F

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #35 : 29 Июнь 2010, 22:36:42 »
To:   Users of WSJT
From: K1JT

My sincere thanks to all who have provided feedback on the experimental testing of WSJT8!

The main purpose of these tests was to generate many on-the-air recordings of signals using the four new experimental modes JTMS, ISCAT, JT64, and JT8.  These modes use a variety of schemes for synchronization, source encoding, error-control coding, and modulation -- most of them quite different from the protocols in WSJT7.  The tests were aimed at establishing how well each scheme performs under challenging weak-signal conditions.  This goal has been accomplished very effectively, and I'm grateful to all those who sent me their recordings.

Here are some early conclusions based on the many reports received from around the world.

First, some technical results:

1. The synchronization, coding, and modulation schemes built into JT8 and JT64 are effective.  Both modes work well at HF; they also work well for EME (although not with the decoders that were distributed in WSJT8 r1944).  The decoders for both modes are sub-optimal in a variety of ways, sometimes annoyingly so.  They would need further work before they could be declared suitable for a production release of WSJT8.

2. The modulation and coding scheme in JTMS works well for meteor scatter at VHF.  In particular, it has been clearly established that MSK ("minimum shift keying") is a viable modulation technique for the MS path.  Phase locking of a signal can be done reliably over the duration of meteor pings and bursts.  The bandwidth efficiency of MSK is very attractive.  A clear disadvantage of JTMS relative to FSK441 is that JTMS cannot make good use of pings shorter than about 75 ms.

3. The ISCAT mode is highly effective for its intended purpose -- ionospheric scatter at 50 MHz -- and also for multi-hop Es signals too weak for successful SSB or CW QSOs.  I now have on hand many examples of recorded ISCAT signals that decode perfectly while being essentially inaudible and invisible on the waterfall display.

Now, some user-level results:

4. Many successful QSOs have been made with each of the new experimental modes, both on their primarily intended propagation paths and on others.  The WSJT8 decoders are less polished and slower than those in WSJT7 (as was known to be true, even before any field tests were solicited).

5. Some users in IARU Region 1 are unhappy with the structured message formats of JTMS and ISCAT, even though these structures are a super-set of the well accepted ones in JT65.  The reluctance seems to arise from a wish to adhere strictly to procedures for MS QSOs dictated in Appendix 4, "Revised Meteor Scatter Procedures", described in the VHF/UHF/Microwaves Committee Report Interim Meeting, Vienna 2004 (see www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/vie04_02.rtf).

On this side of the Atlantic, we consider a QSO valid when operators have exchanged callsigns, signal reports, and rogers.  We do not dictate the precise arrangement of information in the transmissions conveying these bits of information.

The Region 1 VHF Managers Handbook, updated in May 2010, adopts the same approach as used here in Region 2 (see
www.physics/princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/VHF_Handbook_V5_42.pdf ,
pp. 98-105).  The WSJT8 message structures fully support the requirements for valid QSOs laid out in the 2010 Handbook, which (I have assumed)  supersedes the 2004 document.  If I am mistaken, I hope someone will correct me.

6. Apparently someone has concluded (and "explained" to others) that hashed callsigns are not usable by a DXpedition because the operator would want to decode more than one caller while a QSO is going on.  In fact, there is no such problem.  Hashed callsigns can be used very effectively in such a situation.  Many stations could be calling the DX operator at once, and no confusion need arise over who is calling and who is being worked.  No doubt if WSJT8 is to survive, its eventual User's Guide will need to give more examples, in order to allay this fear.

The Bottom Line?

Each of the experimental modes is effective, and much has been learned from their development and testing.  However, the presently available results do not support a conclusion that JT64 will provide substantial advantages over JT65, or JT8 over JT4, or JTMS over FSK441.  ISCAT is clearly superior to JT6M in many -- perhaps most? -- circumstances, but its decoder will need to be made faster if the mode is to become popular.

Happily, it seems likely that a number of lessons learned while developing and testing JTMS, ISCAT, JT64, and JT8 can be back-ported to the traditional WSJT7 modes with good effect.  I intend to spend some weeks looking into these possibilities before making a final decision on whether WSJT8 merits further work.

As always, the views of others will be gratefully received!

  -- 73, Joe, K1JT
73! Валентин   ex: RU2FM

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #36 : 01 Июль 2010, 10:11:14 »
Коротенький перевод предыдущего сообщения по итогам тестирования WSJT 8 на русском http://forum.qrz.ru/showthread.php?p=408800#post408800
73! Валентин   ex: RU2FM

Онлайн UD2F

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #37 : 01 Ноябрь 2011, 15:12:07 »
Нужен файл   WSJT8_User.pdf. Может остался у кого ?
Буду очень благодарен 

 ru2fm (тяв-тяв) mail.ru
73! Валентин   ex: RU2FM

Оффлайн ra9ydl

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #38 : 01 Ноябрь 2011, 15:35:47 »
Валентин этот ?
Олег RA9YDL team RK9Y (ex RK9YWD)

Онлайн UD2F

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Re: WSJT 8
« Ответ #39 : 01 Ноябрь 2011, 15:40:12 »
Валентин этот ?

Большое спасибо Олег.
73! Валентин   ex: RU2FM